Music at a Hindu Temple

Family blessing at Sri Sundarajah Perumal Temple, Kuala Lumpur.

7 Responses to “Music at a Hindu Temple”

  1. Tyrell says:

    Wow! Just what I needed this morning!

  2. Alex says:

    (Very funny)

  3. Tyrell says:

    Actually it got me going.

  4. Alex says:

    Off the camera the family, dressed all in white, watched while the priests burned fruits and vegetables on a pyre.

  5. Judy Froemke says:

    Just before clicking on the Hindu music, I told my family there will be 46 seconds of Hindu music. Then I clicked and WOW. What came on was at top volume. People in this house came running. Appropriate for Divali. 1.3+ billion folks – mostly in India and southeast Asia – love this music. That’s a lot more than sing A Mighty Fortress is our God. As I recall, the white clothes signify sanctity and reverence in holy places.

  6. Alex says:

    I was surprised to learn that music is not a universal language inherent in the human heart. It’s so much about context and cultivation isn’t it? A hymn to one can sound like noise to another. Thanks for watching!

  7. Devi Tong says:

    Thank you, thank you!!; this is from the other half of my culture and only a quarter of son Brian’s. I love opportunities to have him connect with his Indian heritage!! Being half Chinese and looking just like his dad, he doesn’t much identify with you all, my mother’s side, or with my Indian dad’s side. Thank you so much….ooops, he just brought me a headset to plug into the computer….

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