Visiting Dorothy’s Garden

Dorothy is an avid gardener and flower arranger.

7 Responses to “Visiting Dorothy’s Garden”

  1. Jane Allewelt says:

    I strolled all round her garden looking for Dorothy last year, I volunteered to do basket arrangements. finally I found them in the basment, hobby room. Yes her garden is lovely, the abundence of flowering plants, and so many varietys of cactus and succulents, artistacly arranged.The interesting thing is how plants have brought happiness and fulfillment to her life,because she tends the garden it brings contenment to her.

  2. Michael M. McDowell says:

    that is sweet. what you are doing is getting to the big love wherever it is found.

  3. Judy Froemke says:

    Dorothy’s garden is so lovely. Her pot gardening is inspirational. Here in Michigan where it is 35 degrees F. today, gardens have hunkered down for the winter. Potted things have been brought inside to form a living room jungle. Oh, for the Mediterranean climate of the Bay Area. I enjoyed Dorothy’s tour of her garden and the variety of beautiful things she has growing there.

  4. aleximou says:

    We are lucky to have so many good days to enjoy our gardens around here.
    Thanks Judy, for watching our videos.

  5. aleximou says:

    Funny, isn’t it? It’s everywhere you look if you see it that way. Thanks for watching!

  6. aleximou says:

    I think that’s the real beauty, the way we find ourselves connected with nature and with life through our gardens; the way tending to our gardens enriches us. Thanks for your comments Jane. XX

  7. John:
    I couldn’t get the sound on the Russian Chorus. Bro Tom

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