Posts Tagged ‘spiritual awakening’

Alchemy Stages 2, 3, 4

“The secrets of alchemy exist to transform mortals from a state of suffering and ignorance to a state of enlightenment and bliss.” — Deepak Chopra

Alchemy Intro 3

Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of modern science; alchemists were interested in converting base metals into gold. Spiritual alchemists sought to liberate the soul from its attachment to matter, using the quest to transform metals into gold as a metaphor for attaining spiritual enlightenment.

4. Knock and the Door will Open

A Message of Hope and Faith

Is Contemplation Isolating?

The Contemplative Path—is it Isolating? We asked our speakers if they felt that being a contemplative means being isolated, or removed from the world. Here are some of their responses.

Contemplation: Why to Practice It

The overall goal of meditation is to go beyond the conscious mind in order to experience a state of inner peace and happiness. In this episode of our series on The Contemplative Path, our speakers talk about why they practice meditation, and what the practice does for them.

Contemplation: How to Practice It

How is a contemplative practice done? A contemplative, or unitive experience, is often reached by “letting go” rather than by direct effort. Ironically, this requires an intentional effort: the goal of the contemplative is to move toward an interior quiet and an openness to life as it is in the present moment. Formal meditation is […]

Journey to the Holy Land

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Rev. Mark Stanger

God and Love (12)

One of the foundations of mysticism is the idea that there is one mind or one divine essence or God, by whatever name it is called. The divine presence exists in unity and longs to know itself. From God’s longing to know itself, creation began. The divine essence dreams the dream of life or the […]

Spiritual Pilgrimage and Mystical Path (10)

A spiritual pilgrimage is a mystic quest for the hidden treasure. Pilgrims on this mystic quest are not actually traveling to an outward destination but rather they are journeying along the mystical path in search their own spiritual center. Spiritual pilgrimages can help pilgrims refocus their faith. Their purpose is to open themselves to a […]

What is Awakening or Enlightenment? (8)

Mystical awakening can occur when something happens that makes us realize that there is a larger mystery of existence than we had thought. This mystical experience can be like awakening from a dream, and you are suddenly able to see life in a completely different way. People awaken to see the inner truth and higher […]

Techniques for Mystical Awakening (6)

Seekers of spiritual experiences can achieve a mystical awakening by using a variety of techniques, including sounds, dancing, meditation, and praying. Sounds have been used throughout history to help achieve a mystical state of mystical awakening and communion with the inner spirit. Instruments, including drums and gongs have aided with the mysticism seeker’s ability to […]

Religion and Dualism (4)

Human beings by nature tend to practice dualism, by naming and categorizing things into this or that. Even a religion is essentially a way of turning things into this or that. Dualism can lead us into making good or bad determinations, in which one thing is seen as being better than the other. The dualistic […]

The Mystic Path to Understanding (2)

Around the world wherever conscious beings exist we can find people searching to find a place of oneness or the world’s soul. There seems to be a universal longing for truth, understanding, and reaching a mystical awakening. Mysticism focuses on working to uncover our deep internal reality and reach new experiences of understanding by traveling […]

Exploring Mysticism (1)

The mystic quest for understanding the human purpose is discussed. Several spiritual leaders talk about their explorations into the mystery of mysticism. People’s spiritual needs have been expressed through the centuries across the essential religious experiences of human kind. Mystics traveling on a mystical journey are found at the center of every single spiritual tradition. […]