Icons and Transformed, Transfigured Time

Fr. Brendan talks about the beauty of icons, and the figures that reside in transformed, transfigured time.

5 Responses to “Icons and Transformed, Transfigured Time”

  1. barbara says:

    Wow, what a wonderful explanation of Fr. Brendan’s beliefs and iconography. I went to a Greek Orthodox church as a child, as well as a Roman Catholic church, and in the Orthodox church I was in awe of the service, loved being there. Perhaps it’s in part because of what Fr. Brendan describes as the intent of the icons, the glittering gold and the invocation to that “transfigured, transformed time.” I felt it, and I can’t help but imagine that it made a lasting and formative impression on my own sense of the universe and its mysteries. No small task!!

    Thank you to Fr. Brendan and you for bringing that memory of such splendor and joy back to me. The icons you showed in this piece do seem particularly beatific and “immediate” at the same time!!

    Really grateful for this one, Barbara

  2. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thanks, Barbara. What a rich childhood you must have had!

    I once took an icon painting workshop from Fr. Brendan; he is a wonderful teacher and a gifted icon painter. Maybe you could see something of his deep faith and his talent in the video.


  3. Dennis Hawley says:

    Alex and John,

    Your work keeps getting better and better. What a marvelous meditation on beauty and goodness. As you know, the Enneagram suggests a powerful connection between seeking goodness and seeking beauty. Fr. Brendan both discussed this connection and illustrated it in his person and life.

    Thank you for doing and sharing this work.


  4. Tyrell says:


  5. Anna Price says:

    Thank you for again teaching me so much that I had little knowledge about and loved hearing–an amazing man for sure!!!

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