Posts Tagged ‘enlightenment’

Attaining Mystical States

Rabbi Aubrey Glazer, of Congregation Beth Shalom, San Francisco, talks about Attaining a Mystical State, in Jewish Mystical Thought.

Mystic Wisdom

Sufi Hadi Paul Reicherz defines mysticism and discusses its relationship with religion.

Sufi Wisdom

Shankina Reinhertz talks about seeing, listening and becoming—the embodiment of the holy in Sufi mystical tradition.

The Chasuble

Fr Joe talks about how we stand on the shoulders of those who come before.

Living in a Task Garden

Fr Joe talks about how the beauty he finds in the world can be a source of healing and hope.

Beauty Awakens Us (5)

This segment of Beauty – Exploring the Mystery studies the way beauty can awaken us and enrich our lives.

Beauty, Silence and Finding Home