Posts Tagged ‘transformation’

Love Heals

Fr Joe discusses the healing power of love.

Call to Serve

Engaged service will bring a depth of rewards.

Three Human Virtues

Fr. Joe, our friend, died almost a year ago. We are replaying a few of our favorite Fr Joe videos in his memory.

Graced with Light- The Ribbons at Grace Cathedral.

In 2013 Grace Cathedral selected Anne Patterson to be their Artist in Residence. Anne produced a wonderful installation of hundreds of colored ribbons that hung down from the rafters of the cathedral. This is the story of that creation. (34 min.)

God at your Bedside

Fr Joe tells us that when we can no longer speak, God is with us.

Lame Duck

A TRIBUTE TO FR JOE Fr Joe talks about a lame duck that he met on the beach.

Here and Now

Life’s journey is toward the here and the now.


Fr Joe talks about mysticism and contemplation.

Take your Medicine

Fr Joe tells us how to take our medicine.

Reconciliation (Pt2)

Fr Joe talks about reconciliation and conversion.

Reconciliation (Pt1)

Fr Joe talks about a reconciliation service in India.

The Baby Bird

Fr Joe tells the story of a baby bird that fell out of a nest and was stuck in the mud.

The Robbery

Fr Joe tells about being robbed in New York City and embracing our pain.

Statue at the Mission

Fr Joe talks about a statue that was found discarded in the woods and was brought back as a centerpiece at San Juan Capistrano.


Fr Joe discusses the importance of sanctuary

St Francis Statue

Fr Joe talks about the prayers of St Francis.

The Chasuble

Fr Joe talks about how we stand on the shoulders of those who come before.

The Gift of Suffering

Fr. Joe shares his humanity—his courage and his faith, as he tells us about the gift he is able to find in his battle with cancer.

Living in a Task Garden

Fr Joe talks about how the beauty he finds in the world can be a source of healing and hope.

Transformed by Beauty Class

We are pleased to announce that a Transformed by Beauty class is now available at Udemy University online. This class includes the 10 sections of Beauty – Discovering the Mystery videos we have already posted, plus 10 corresponding video workshops where we take you through a series of exercises to help you experience the transformation […]

Beauty – The Journey (10)

Experiencing beauty calls us further into itself, and it leads us deeper into love and gratitude and a sense of meaning in our lives; we need to reclaim it.

Beauty – A Sense of Place (9)

Beauty is related to our capacity to perceive it through our senses; we can find it wherever we are, if we pay attention.

Beauty in Brokenness (8)

Beauty can often be disturbing and challenging.

Beauty and Perfection (7)

Beauty is not always pretty; perfection can be superficial. We need look more deeply to find true beauty.