Contemplation: How to Practice It

How is a contemplative practice done?

A contemplative, or unitive experience, is often reached by “letting go” rather than by direct effort. Ironically, this requires an intentional effort: the goal of the contemplative is to move toward an interior quiet and an openness to life as it is in the present moment.

Formal meditation is the main practice of most contemplatives, although there are even several different forms of meditation. In addition, there are also many other ways to achieve a contemplative state.

We spoke to a wide range of contemplative practitioners and asked them to talk to us about how their practice is done.

3 Responses to “Contemplation: How to Practice It”

  1. In less than 15 minutes, one can learn a spectrum of meditative techniques from a nicely balanced group of very intelligent people. Lovely!

  2. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thanks David!

  3. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thanks! (It’s so nice to know somebody is actually watching these things.)

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