The Quail

The California Quail is a handsome, round bird with a rich gray breast, intricately scaled underparts, and a curious, forward-drooping head plume. It is often seen scratching at the ground in groups or dashing forward on blurred legs, California Quail are common but unobtrusive. They flush to cover when frightened.

3 Responses to “The Quail”

  1. Barbara Lindstrom says:

    Wonderful!! Loved hearing more about the California Quail. Such beautiful and intriguing birds.


  2. Geri Hahn says:

    Love these birds and miss them sinced I moved north in 1968. In South Jersey where I lived among farm fields both cultivated and fallow a a kidlet, the “Bob White Quail” was common. The distinctive call, and often seen parents with a line of chicks following crossing the road in front of our short dead end street as common in the early summer.

  3. Thanks for watching! We have a lot of birds visiting our deck for sunflower seeds (I have had to keep the cat inside since we discovered feathers all over the place); of all the wildlife here (mountain lions, bobcats…) the birds are my favorites.

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