The End and the Beginning

Nobel Prize winning Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska writes about the horrors of war in terms of the adjustments people must make after the war has ended.

4 Responses to “The End and the Beginning”

  1. Judy Froemke says:

    What a powerful poem and accompanying images. I’m stunned and more horrified. All thoughts of other things I’m doing on my computer are gone, of course, and how to help survivors and refugees picks through the sadness I – we all must -feel. Thank you John and Alex for this. You are spiritually and technologically amazing. Judy

  2. Pamela D. says:

    Although I’ve had some of these thoughts about the current situation and many previous ones, I’ve never heard them put so succinctly. The End and the Beginning is both universal and very deeply personal – there but for the Grace of God go I.
    We must pray constantly for a Cease Fire, for the insanity of aggression and violence to be stopped, and for intentional or accidental destruction to be bound and neutralized. The hearts and many governments of the World align for Peace. We long for the day it will be unthinkable to do harm to another. The Light shall prevail.
    Thank you for drawing our attention to the heart-wrenching consequences of war.
    May those doing the Clean Up be fortified with our thoughts, prayers, and gratitude.

  3. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thank you Pamela, for sharing your thoughts and for your faith, which fortifies us.

  4. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thank you Judy. We appreciate your loyally watching our videos and sharing your wise and cogent thoughts with us all!

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