Grass, by Carl Sandburg

This deeply moving poem addresses the horrors of war and human kind’s responsibility to never forget them. In the first lines of the poem the grass asks that it be allowed to do its job — covering up the countless bodies and numerous battlefields all over the world.

5 Responses to “Grass, by Carl Sandburg”

  1. Carol says:

    This is a moving tribute to our Ukrainian friends.
    Thank you.

  2. Alexandra Dickerman says:

    Thank you Carol. There seems so little we can do to help!

  3. Tyrell says:

    Such a great poem and wonderful reading. Thank you for this moving video.

  4. Alexandra says:

    Thanks Tyrell! It has great imagery and seems timely still I think.

  5. liz Vernon says:

    We never learn, do we? This is as true today as about which Sandburg wrote. Thank you for the lovely reading. Perhaps we will learn. Peace with love li

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