Posts Tagged ‘Alexandra Dickerman’

How to Write A Poem

How to Write a Poem by Alexandra Dickerman

Holy Relics

I wrote this poem about the experience you have when you sense you are in a sacred place, or when you are walking on holy ground.

The Color of a Song

The Color of a Song, by Alexandra Dickerman During this past year of isolation, when we were unable to attend concerts or go to church or museums or out to restaurants, so many sensory experiences were denied to us. This poem is about sensory experiences— and how they might sometimes overlap.

Song of the Sea amd Sky

Song of the Sea and Sky, by Alexandra Dickerman During this past year of quarantine and isolation, we have been going to Ocean Beach , especially when the big waves are forecasted—for fresh air and long walks, and to feed the birds. Recently, I was struck with the sense that we’re all in this together.

Song of the Sacred Tree

The Song of the Sacred Tree, by Alexandra Dickerman, 2021 Certain special trees are considered to be sacred, in mythology and in many religions all over the world. Rooted in the earth, reaching skyward, nourished by the elements, and interconnecting with other trees through their complex root systems, trees provide a metaphor for patience and […]