Posts Tagged ‘faith’

Alchemy 5,6,7

Alchemy is about the transformation of the self. It is transforming the base self into gold, or spiritual awareness. Stage five: Fermentation, describes the decay of one’s old self and the rebirth of one’s true self. The first four stages involved discarding our old, inauthentic self and drawing together the authentic elements within us. Stage […]

All That Has Never Been Spoken

This is a meditation from a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke in his Book of Hours 1,12, in which the poet prays to his muse for inspiration.

8. Never Doubt

A message of hope and faith

The King’s Robes

Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem, The King’s Robes from his Book of Hours, is one of his “Love Poems to God.” It reminds the reader to avoid worshipping false images.

Embracing Our Vulnerability

Visual translation of Rainer Maria Rilke poem. Perhaps all the dragons in our lives….

7. Faith

A Message of Hope and Faith

6. Be Watchful

A Message of Hope and Faith

3. Faith

A Message of Hope and Faith

2. Unity Prayer of Protection

A Message of Hope and Faith

1. Peace I Give You

A Message of Hope and Faith

Centering Prayer Meditation

Are centering prayer and meditation the same thing? How do you meditate, and why should you do it? Our group of contemplative practitioners talks about why meditation is important and how they practice it.

What. is Prayer?

Our speakers discuss prayer and how it relates to a contemplative practice.

Is Contemplation Isolating?

The Contemplative Path—is it Isolating? We asked our speakers if they felt that being a contemplative means being isolated, or removed from the world. Here are some of their responses.

Journey to the Holy Land

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Rev. Mark Stanger

Pilgrimage Introduction

We took a pilgrimage to the Holy Land during May this year. We were 36 pilgrims in a bus, plus our guide Iyad Qumri, and our spiritual leader Mark Stanger.

The Carillon at Grace Cathedral

The Grace Cathedral carillon can be heard throughout the community, commemorating joyful events and tolling to mark local and national tragedies. Members of the Grace Cathedral guild of carillonneurs talk about their carillon ministry, and about the history and the purpose of the bells.

God and Love (12)

One of the foundations of mysticism is the idea that there is one mind or one divine essence or God, by whatever name it is called. The divine presence exists in unity and longs to know itself. From God’s longing to know itself, creation began. The divine essence dreams the dream of life or the […]

Magic and Miracles (11)

Generally Western culture is grounded in scientific fact, in which things are only real if you can see, study, or examine them, or if they are verifiable by others. From a spiritual point of view there are many things we don’t understand about our universe and reality. The things we don’t understand appear to us […]

Spiritual Pilgrimage and Mystical Path (10)

A spiritual pilgrimage is a mystic quest for the hidden treasure. Pilgrims on this mystic quest are not actually traveling to an outward destination but rather they are journeying along the mystical path in search their own spiritual center. Spiritual pilgrimages can help pilgrims refocus their faith. Their purpose is to open themselves to a […]

Mysticism and Death (9)

Physical death is the mystical experience we will all have and it can be seen as being as sacred as physical birth. Death brings a release from our dualistic life, taking us into a new form of existence. Mysticism regards this transformation as one of the most sacred and elevating experiences we will ever have, […]

What is Awakening or Enlightenment? (8)

Mystical awakening can occur when something happens that makes us realize that there is a larger mystery of existence than we had thought. This mystical experience can be like awakening from a dream, and you are suddenly able to see life in a completely different way. People awaken to see the inner truth and higher […]

Mystical Awakening Through Prayer (7)

Prayer is an important part of the spiritual practice which can lead to a mystical awakening. From a mystical standpoint the intention of prayer is the intention of achieving a mystical awakening in which our consciousness achieves union with the divine consciousness. This union is the same for all people communing through their mystical awakening […]

How is mysticism different from religion? (3)

Mysticism is an essential element in all religions. However, it can never be the whole content of any religious tradition. This is because religions must be based in a context of history, dogma, and institutions in order to be effective. Religions are a social phenomenon which binds people together in a positive way. However it […]

Exploring Mysticism (1)

The mystic quest for understanding the human purpose is discussed. Several spiritual leaders talk about their explorations into the mystery of mysticism. People’s spiritual needs have been expressed through the centuries across the essential religious experiences of human kind. Mystics traveling on a mystical journey are found at the center of every single spiritual tradition. […]